Molly is just a dog. She isn’t a puppy any more but I still call her my “baby girl” because she is small, vulnerable, and dependent. I treat her like a dog. I don’t dress her up like a child, I try not to feed her human food, (although I once did), I try to fall in line with her “dog-ness”.

She has limited understanding so I don’t expect her to understand what she can’t because she is a dog. Instead, even though she is naughty at times, stubborn, disobedient, fussy, and even independent, I still treat her like a dog. I crank up what she does understand, tenderness! Soft, kind tones…togetherness…
exercise… praise…treats… and even routine which makes her feel secure.

My efforts pay off when I receive the kind of unconditional love and loyalty only a dog can give. My greatest reward is that moment when Molly lies on my lap, comfortable and warm under our “red blankie”, and gazes adoringly into my eyes.

I’ve learnt to be a good dog owner by the way my Father treats me. He knows my capacities and limits. Someone once wrote a song (which I can’t find on YouTube), “I’m only a child in His eyes…” The Father knows my child-ness just as I recognise Molly’s dog-ness and He treats me accordingly.

His tenderness is unmatched. His compassion is limitless. His mercy is as high as the heavens are above us. He us the Father of all fathers, the one we need more than anyone else. How precious is He to those who call Him “Abba!”.

Psalms 103:13-16 NLT
[13] “The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. [14] For he knows how weak we are; he remembers we are only dust. [15] Our days on earth are like grass; like wildflowers, we bloom and die. [16] The wind blows, and we are gone— as though we had never been here.”

There is no one like the Lord who accommodates Himself to who were are, who knows our weakness and failures and forgives. He covers our sin with the blood of His own Son and removes the pollution of our rebellious acts as far as the east is from the west. He changes our stubborn hearts from rebels to adoring children. Thank you, Father, for such tender love!

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